Home » US, UK and Norway Issue Joint Condemnation of Escalating Violence in Sudan’s Darfur Region
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US, UK and Norway Issue Joint Condemnation of Escalating Violence in Sudan’s Darfur Region

In a collective statement released on Friday, the United States (US), United Kingdom (UK) and Norway expressed deep concern about escalating violence and human rights abuses in Sudan, particularly in the troubled Darfur region.

Termed “the Troika,” these nations urgently called for an immediate cessation of the conflict, emphasizing the crucial role of both the Sudanese Armed Forces and Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in quelling the unrest, which has resulted in the loss of about 800 lives and the displacement of 8,000 individuals within this month alone.

Expressing profound concern, the Troika underscored the distressing assaults on civilians orchestrated by the RSF in west, central and south Darfur. Reports highlighted disturbing patterns of targeted mass killings, sexual assaults, extensive looting, particularly against non-Arab communities, detentions, hindered humanitarian aid, and attacks on traditional leaders.

The Troika pressed for an immediate halt to hostilities, emphasizing the need for meaningful discussions to secure a ceasefire and ensure unobstructed humanitarian access. Recent territorial gains made by the RSF across Sudan’s western and southern regions disrupted months of conflict stagnation, raising concerns about the country’s potential division and echoing the separation of South Sudan.

In addition to the Troika, the European Union (EU) issued a stern condemnation regarding the escalating violence in Sudan’s Darfur region on Sunday. This condemnation also expressed concern over the potential for “another genocide.” The UN has expressed concern over Sudan as well. On November 7, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) described the worsening situation in Sudan as a “significant humanitarian crisis.” Sudan’s plea to terminate the UN political mission on Friday underscored the intricate nature of the crisis.

The conflict, persisting since April, has embroiled Sudan’s regular army and the paramilitary RSF. Recent territorial gains by the RSF have established their de facto control over western Darfur.

Source: Jurist
